Sunday, 23 February 2025

Miserable weather!

A strong SE wind with, almost constant, rain.

Time to reflect.
These are some shots of Knot at heliport earlier this week - Howard


Two of yesterday's Knot on the skear - Malcolm
Ringed in Holland in 2018. It has been seen here before in two previous 
winters. Recent history awaited

Ringed in Merseyside 08/05/24. It has been sighted in three Merseyside locations 
and more recently at Barrow in January. This is its first sighting here.

Middleton Nature Reserve (Malcolm)
Just a quick passing check of the two main ponds was all I managed today.
Main pond:
Mute pair (no immature with them)
Mallard 8
This Mallard had a strikingly orange bill

Tufted Duck pair
Gadwall 34
Teal 1 male
Coot 10
Moorhen 1
Some of the wildfowl, Mallard in the foreground, Gadwall,  Coot and
the Teal behind.

"No swimming" pond
Mute Swan 1 immature, but it wasn't mute! It kept calling wistfully, presumably now an unwilling outcast.  I tried to get a clip of it calling, but as soon as I got my camera out, it stopped calling, began feeding, and showed me its backside! 

Tufted Duck 1 male
Tufted Duck having a stretch

Coot 2
Little grebe 2 - one chased another halfway across the pond then both dived and presumably the pursuit continued under water. These are terrible shots of the leading grebe, but they do give a sense of the action. is a slow news day!

Just outside the recording area  - horse paddock behind Middleton Parish Hall (Malcolm)
Green Sandpiper
Also on/around the pool:
Mallard pair
Redshank 2 together