Friday, 24 May 2019

Clutching at clutches!

Middleton Nature Reserve - evening quick check (MD)
All three nesting pairs of Mute swan now have young:
Main pond  - pair plus 7 chicks. This is impressive, as at least one egg was destroyed from inital nesting attempt.
No swimming pond - pair plus 4 chicks
Tim Butler pond - pair hatched 4 chicks last week, only 3 visible today, but there could easily have been 4.
So, minimum of 20 mute in residence. This is the most here, that I am aware of.

Jackdaw - numbers growing. At least 20 around today. They take the emerging dragon/damselflies from pond margins.

Stock dove - at least one flying back anf forth between golf club area and SE.

House martin 2
Swift 1
Swallow c20

Cetti's warbler 1 singing