Saturday, 26 May 2012

Bits and bobs still on the sea from the last two days

North harbour wall
Yesterday – 06.30 – 07.35
3 Sandwich Terns
3 Swallow NE
2 Shelduck (looked like the pair from my previous visit – the female had distinctive white markings on head – but no sign of any of the ducklings. The pair flew off and I saw them again I think when i moved up to Middleton.
Today – 10.45 – 11.05 ish
1 adult Little Gull flew in and landed on oil-jetty skear
19 Commic Terns flew out to gather around stage 1 outfall. I went round to see if any were Common but by the time I got through gate 38 and onto the south wall they had moved on.

[Pom Skua and c17 Arctic and one Black tern entered the bay early morning at Rossall]

Thanks for the info, Pete