Monday, 18 September 2023

Two species "return" to Red Nab

A strong and freshening SW wind. Heavy showers in the morning.

South Shore
I had a walk along the foreshore and sea wall mid morning, and mid shower (MD). Got a soaking on the way out and a blow-dry on the way back!
Mediterranean gulls 4 at least, there were two adults and a 1st calendar year feeding on the outflows and a 2nd calendar year on the beach by the wooden jetty.
This is the 2cy with a Bar-Tailed Godwit. The rain had just stopped at this point, but the light was still awful!
This is the 1cy on No.2 outflow

Kingfisher 1 flew out from the culvert in the sea wall at Red Nab and flew east. This is typical of the bird(s) that over wintered last year, but it is a bit early. It will be interesting to see if it hangs around.

Grey Seal 1 near No.1 outflow
Ringed Plover 6 and Dunlin 2 resting on the grass at Ocean Edge during the shower
Rock Pipits 3
Linnet 25 (saltmarsh)
Goldfinch 12 (foreshore and Red Nab)
Wheatear 20+ they were becoming active as I walked back, and when Janet checked later most had moved on.

Pictures from Janet:
One of the few remaining Wheatears

Adult Mediterranean Gull

Ringed Plover and Turnstone 

Oystercatcher, 1 leucistic bird with a white head (looks like a Puffin!)

Little Egret

Cormorant, also having a blow-dry

First Wigeon to return this autumn