Friday, 20 December 2024

Wet and windy!

A fresh west wind, the morning was fairly dray after early showers, but plenty of rain in the afternoon.

Heysham skear - low water 08:50 (Malcolm)
Pale-bellied Brent goose 37 at least, some in the SE skear corner, others feeding on the skear. Although recent heavy grazing has significantly reduced the easily available gut weed and there is very little sea lettuce left.
Some of the brent in the skear corner

Pink-Footed goose 2 flying low to the south

Pink Footed geese

Oystercatcher, Curlew, Redshank, Turnstone and Ringed Plover as recent.
Dunlin flock of 30 plus 2 inshore with the plovers.
Knot 700 in one very flighty flock. There were a few colour coded birds, but only one new one seen.
Some of the Knot with a Merseyside ringed bird centre
No Eider, Merganser or Grebes seen today.

Yesterday, this planet shone in the evening sky as I was finishing watching
the Stock Doves. This was before any stars were visible. My first thought was 
that it was Venus, then I remembered - Venus doesn't have any moons.

Kevin Eaves identified it as Jupiter. 
This is a screenshot from the excellent SkySafari mobile app. 
As they say.....the truth is out there