Sunday, 15 September 2013

Black Tern being dragged off by a Sandwich

Heysham Obs
No more dawn arrivals for Grey Wagtail ringing attempts/vis mig coverage for a few days!  Best of the bunch this morning was a juvenile (European) Black Tern feeding off Red Nab which unfortunately followed a fairly leisurely Sandwich tern flying towards the north Fylde.  Hopefully it will spin back on to the outfalls when these recover their 'identity' on the dropping tide.  Even better (number of records-wise) was the presumed continued presence of the same juvenile Spotted Redshank recorded a week or so ago

Outfalls/Red Nab/Ocean Edge
Grey Plover - c420 but distant
Spotted Redshank - juvenile in Ocean edge saltmarsh channel
Black Tern - juvenile flew slowly 'out' after feeding off Red Nab about 0910hrs
Sandwich Tern - adult out
Med Gull - 5 1Y, but just one each of 2CY and adult

Hopefully some more later. Haven't done the moths yet!