Tuesday, 4 May 2021

The wind turns and the Terns turn off!

The wind switched round to the NW during the night, and stayed there all day, quite fresh early on, but easing slightly as the day progressed. Mainly overcast with some showers.

The only things seen on the sea this morning by Shaun and Pete were:
Gannet 1, Whimbrel - 1 north

South shore 07:30-08:30
Wheatears 2 on Ocean Edge foreshore and 1 on Red Nab
Linnet 4 on saltmarsh, 4 on Red Nab and 2 near Lighthouse (still collecting nest material (feathers))
Rock Pipit 1 near lighthouse 
This solitary Dunlin, in almost full summer plumage,
was sheltering from the wind below the foreshore.

Whimbrel 4 on Saltmarsh 2 + 1 flying north

Heysham skear low water 13:00
Just a quick check
Eider just 23 and they were already moving off north.
This female, I took to be an immature bird 
Based on the lack of an obvious speculum........
......and the lack of attention. The mature females tend to have a retinue of multiple males.
I could easily be wrong of course, but it gives me a reason to post this shot,
it's one that I quite like (MD)

Great Crested grebe 3
No Mergansers seen
Whimbrel 3
Turnstone c150
Again, some are now in almost complete summer plumage.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
A quick afternoon check by Janet found
House Martin c8 feeding over both the main and the "no swimming" ponds.

Also some crayfish remains. So hopefully the otters are back feeding at nighttime. I'll see if I can find any spraints tomorrow.