Tuesday, 15 October 2019

Not just leftovers

Yellow-browed Warbler
New locations:
1) By Greenfoot Community garden, possibly two birds (Shaun had a single call here yesterday pm)
2) By Tim Butler pond Middleton NR- found on its own by Malcolm, multi-observed later then flew off with LTT
3) West end of Middleton NR along the golf course edge - found by Malcolm whilst TB pond one still present
Still present
Heard/seen from three separate locations between the NE corner and dipping pond Heysham NR with probably three together in NE corner c1330 onwards (none ringed)
Not checked
Heysham Head or area before this was typed at 1342

**The most intriguing news is a report that the ringed NE corner bird was ringed on the LEFT leg, so it wasn't ours (not definitely seen today)! 

Ring Ouzel
Imm by brick building Middleton NR early am

Jack Snipe - flushed Middleton

Three new Chiffchaff ringed but Goldcrest thin on the ground with only four ringed and little sign of them elsewhere.  Small numbers of Redwing and Blackbird and 1-2 Song Thrush

Vis mig - patchy combination of about an hour Midd/Hey
Skylark - 7
Meadow Pipit - 18
Grey wagtail - 3
alba Wagtail - 6
Chaffinch - 60
Greenfinch - 40
Swallow - 1
Carrion Crow - 16
Jackdaw - 45
Pink-footed Goose - 60
Jay - 3+1
Lesser Redpoll - 2
Redwing - 21
Song Thrush - 2
Goldfinch - 15