Sunday, 30 October 2022

Nothing new, except more Gadwall

A mainly southerly wind, veering to SW later in the day. Some sunshine and some heavy showers.

First, another sighting of a colour ringed Grey Wagtail. Spotted at Great Crosby on trail cam.
Perusal of 8000 pics showed bird first present there on 11/10/22. 
Thanks to Peter Olson for this
See sidebar for scheme details.

Heysham Skear low water 08:40 (MD)
Great Crested Grebe 3
Red-breasted Merganser 11
Eider 2 
Shag 1 2nd calendar year. It had been resting on a honeycomb worm reef for some while, but the tide was rising, and it was time to start fishing.
Waders: Oystercatcher, Curlew, Redshank and Turnstone plus Ringed Plover 15, Knot - just 1
Skylark 2 together east

Middleton Nature Reserve 
I just checked the main ponds in passing
Mute, Mallard, Moorhen and Little grebe unchanged.
Gadwall 24 on "no swimming" pond
Two female and a male Gadwall
Teal 2 over to east
Janet took this shot of a young Cormorant
First calendar year Cormorant 

South Shore (MD)
It rained heavily from late morning till just after lunch, so I had a quick look to see if anything was grounded. There wasn't!
Just Black-Headed gulls on the outflows plus one Common Gull
2nd winter Common Gull

Mediterranean gull 1 resting on Ocean Edge grass. Unfortunately, the rain was just stopping and newly emerging walkers quickly spooked it.
Wigeon 4 on Red Nab, 45 on saltmarsh 
Common Snipe 9 flushed from saltmarsh by rising tide.
Rock Pipit just 1 on Red Nab
There were no passerines on or around the saltmarsh 

Imperial Road (MD)
Just a quick check on my way home was equally bereft of birds. Just 1 Buzzard, being seen off by the Carrion Crows.
Common Buzzard and Carrion Crow