Red Nab/Heysham 2 outfall
Checks during the morning and late afternoon produced the following on at least one occasion
2nd summer Mediterranean Gull
1st summer Little Gull [just possibly 2 late afternoon]
2 x 1st summer Kittiwake
Ad Sandwich Tern
2 Ad Arctic Tern
Ad Common Tern
adult and 2 x 1st summer Common Gull
300+ Black-headed Gull of various ages
Middleton IE
Singing Grasshopper Warbler
Middleton IE
Male Red-veined Darter patrolling the open water for about one minute (Model boat pond)
Black-tailed Skimmer - 6 on model boat pond (2 ovipositing), two males in central marsh
Emperor - 2 males and female model boat pond, 2 central marsh, 1+ fence pond
female Hawker spp. seen very poorly by another observer
4-spotted Chaser - quite a few but not counted
Moth trap
Double-lobed new for the year
Conder Green: 3 Common Sandpiper, 2 Black-tailed Godwit. Reed Warbler singing.
Aldcliffe: Green Sandpiper [new in] & 3 LRP
Allen/EM Pools: Ad Little Stint [new in] afternoon & evening, Spotted Redshank & colour-ringed Green shank still present