Another dry and largely sunny day with a slight NW wind.
Red Nab
I didn't have much time today, just a quick lunchtime check of Red Nab towards high water (MD).
Mediterranean gulls 36+ there were 26 on Red Nab, but many of today's gulls were flying directly from where they had been resting on the shore towards Potts Corner. At leat 10 Meds seen doing this.
The ones that were on Red Nab were mainly squatting, making darvic ring spotting difficult. I did manage two, but they had been read previously this year. These are some of the Red Nab gulls.
This was one of yesterday's new birds and the first German ringed one this year. Ringed in Saxony in 2019 as a nestling and has subsequently been seen in France, Wales, Portugal and Holland. This is its first record at Heysham |
Redshank 15
Ringed Plover 2
Ringed Plover |
The rest of today's stuff from Janet
Rock Pipit on Red Nab |
Janet also reported flushing a "silent Snipe" from Middleton yesterday.