Tuesday, 8 February 2022

Drizzle.......pretty much sums up the day

Lightish WSW wind with low cloud and light rain all day.

I didn't have much time today, but doubt I would have seen much more if I'd strolled around all day (MD).
Indeterminate wind, tides at a point between spring and neap, and the constant fine rain (the sort that gets you wet), nothing likely to produce any different wildlife.

South shore mid afternoon 
Pale-bellied Brent goose 3 on Red Nab at 15:00, this is quite early in the tide for Brent. At this height tide, it's all down to the level of disturbance on the north side as to whether any at all come to the the south side.
Wigeon c200 - these at least were enjoying the weather, not because it was lovely weather for ducks, but because it was sufficiently dreary to deter (most) people from walking along the sea wall. So they took advantage to feed close in to the wall, some actually feeding on the gut weed on the sloping wall.
Shelduck 42 - half each Red Nab and saltmarsh 
Oystercatcher - these arrive from their feeding grounds, sometimes in their thousands, to roost on Red Nab, so much so that they rarely get a mention. But I'm sharing this clip of a few flying past the lighthouse today, not so much for the video, but the light winds meant that you can hear them calling as they pass.

Rock Pipit 1 - the ringed male Lighthouse bird was standing guard over the nest site again.
The male lighthouse Rock Pipit, looking quite dark in the rain

No sign of any Shag again.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
The only wildfowl on the main pond were Mute, Mallard and Moorhen. The following were all on the "no swimming" pond
Gadwall 38
Wigeon 2 (pair)
Shoveler 4 (2 female plus 2 male)
Tufted Duck 3
Moorhen 4
Coot 2
Little grebe 2
It was a noisy pond this afternoon, the male Gadwall were displaying and several birds were vying for positions.

These two at least, seemed happy with the outcome.
It was still quite early (16:00) when I left, but there were no sign of any Jackdaws gathering, perhaps the strong winds have forced them to roost elsewhere. I'll have a proper look one day when I have more time.

Unfortunately, I'm busy again tomorrow, but I should manage to get out somewhere in the afternoon. 

Just out or the recording area. Pete saw the Sandylands Black Redstart