Tuesday, 7 July 2020

Lunar Hornet Clearwing Is the star

Started with a southerly wind and showers. Almost breathless by evening.

Middleton Nature Reserve early am (PM)

Lunar Hornet Clearwing Moth.  First record for Heysham area. Attracted to pheromone lure.

Harbour and outflows late am (MD)

The solitary Rock Pipit is still “guarding” the nest site, but I also saw it feeding, but don’t know if it returned to nest with food.

The waders are starting to trickle back.

Redshank - 7 together plus 1 juvenile with

Turnstone 6 summer plumage plus 2 juvenile

The juvenile Redshank with some of the Turnstone (juv on right)

Common Tern - at least three adult on outflows

Sandwich Tern 1

Sandwich Tern over No.1 outflow, with Blackpool tower in background 

Heysham skeer late evening

Just checked to see if any other waders were around, apart from the Oystercatchers and Curlew, there were just 18 Redshank (12, 3, 3)

Eider 5

Great Crested Grebe 3 summer plumage.