Forecasted 20mph southerlies suggested a good day to have a bit of a lie in. Unfortunately the weather did not obey and by all accounts it was still first thing with poor visibility. Reports filtered through doubling the Bardsey Island Yellow-brows, then at least one passing through a Lancaster garden (see below)...then grounded Richard's Pipit at Walney.
Late News
5 Whooper Swan S(ish) 'mid afternoon' over the sea
North harbour wall
The only known coverage today revealing the same pattern as the Stone Jetty (see LDBWS site) of grounded visible migrants diappearing when the weather cleared.
The only known coverage today revealing the same pattern as the Stone Jetty (see LDBWS site) of grounded visible migrants diappearing when the weather cleared.
Noted on the mound/sand pit 9.30ish this morning.
1 Wheatear
25+ linnet
15 Alba Wag (all seen well were Pied)
20+ Meadow Pipits
4 Goldfinch
Noted at lunchtime
1 Meadow Pipit
1 alba wagtail!
Med Gulls comprised 3 2nd W and two adults
Guillemot still in the harbour but no obvious sign of the Black Guillemot during either visit
c6000 Knot heliport

Thanks Cliff
Yellow-browed Warbler south Lancaster in the Bentham Road/Lancaster end of Uni cycle track area 0900hrs. This appeared to move on but it or another was found in a mist net in the same area at 1040hrs. Great White Egret and 9 Little Egret EM Pool. Two Whooper Swan Leighton Moss. What was presumably a late Common Sandpiper was seen in long range flight only in the NE corner of Pine Lake but could not be found again on a 'complex' shoreline. This needs checking out if anyone has time. Also Goldeneye but no terns left.