Heavy, but brief overnight and early morning showers. The light early east wind shifted to the west and freshened from mid morning. The sun shone all day and felt hotter in the increased humidity.
Report from Pete Crooks:
A morning walk along the sea-wall on the ebbing tide produced:
7 Mediterranean Gull – 2 adults in full summer plumage on the tideline off Red Nab (Shaun Coyle and Jonathan Stretch), 1 moulting adult (the regular bird with right leg metal ring), 2 2nd summer and 2 1st summer – all around the Stage One outfall / Wooden Pier area or flying past offshore
18 Cormorant – on / around wooden pier
1 Sandwich Tern – offshore
1 female Eider – offshore
1 Grey Seal – off Stage One outfall
1 Rock Pipit – lighthouse / inner harbour wall area
Butterflies on the vegetated area near the lighthouse comprised 2+ Meadow Brown, 2 Common Blue and 2 Small White
Pete Crooks, Shaun Coyle and Jonathan Stretch
I just managed a check of the foreshore, before giving up and heading for home - too humid for me! (MD)
This was interesting though, well I thought so! There were two young Pied Wagtails feeding on top of the vent for the groundwater drain near the slipway. On close inspection, it could be seen to be surrounded by small (drain?) flies. They had obviously been breeding in the largely empty drain, till this morning's groundwater surge flushed them out.
And that was it as far as the shore birds went. Still, the SeaCat was speeding in, you don't have to look you can feel the throb of its powerful turbines from a great distance. This clip it is about 2 kilometres away and still at full speed. You can just about hear it in the clip,
Willow Warbler in the Nature Park, carrying small caterpillars. |
Heysham Skear
A mid afternoon check on the rising tide, I wasn't expecting to see much, but it was pleasant in the now quite fresh sea breeze.
Little Egret 2
Great Crested Grebe 2
Red-breasted Merganser 3
Mergansers resting on a sand bar |
Eider 1 male - it is trying to prise off some of the smaller mussels. One of the Great Crested Grebes makes a guest appearance.
Oystercatcher c60, Curlew 26
Curlew |