Saturday 23 July 2016

The outfalls are a frothing

Heysham Obs
Perhaps up to 1000 small gulls at one stage until a mysterious spook sent half of them heading for the Lune

Outfalls/Red Nab
Med Gull - at least 15 Ad/3CY (R13E plus another darvic, prob German Axxx), 3 2CY (no juv seen)
Little Gull - ad summer
Sandwich Tern - ad
Kittiwake - 2CY

Middleton NR
Not sure of full details, but catch of 50 ish included a young Grasshopper Warbler and a good range of common warblers but Sedge Warbler a little below par

Decentish catch included two P. inopiana at this favoured site.  Garden Carpet quite unusual!