Thursday 21 July 2022

A word of caution for dog walkers

Light NW to west wind, overcast pretty much all day.

First, the words of caution. Janet reported that the main pond at Middleton had green bubbles this morning. The recent hot weather will have caused algae to bloom, both here and presumably all the local ponds. Pet owners are advised not to let their dogs drink water with algae as some forms of blue-green algae are toxic to them. The cooler weather and expected rain should soon return things to normal.

Just my stuff so far (MD)
South Shore
Mediterranean gulls at least 34 - 18 adult and a juvenile on Red Nab, including a white darvic ringed adult. 1 adult near No.2 outflow and 13 adult and a juvenile feeding along the tideline on beach next to jetty.
Lapwing 1 on Red Nab
Rock Pipit 2 on foreshore and 1 on Red Nab.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Mute Swan 2 adult 7 cygnet 
Mallard 6 male 2 female 1 with well grown young.
Water Rail 2 squealing
Common Snipe one flushed from edge of main pond
Swift 5
Swallow 4
House Martin 2
Stock Dove 3 flew east together 

It was unusually quiet. The only warblers heard were a few Blackcap and a single Reed Warbler (no Chiffchaff is unusual).

Butterflies - the only really abundant species was Gatekeeper - at least 30 seen. After that in order of abundance 
Meadow Brown
Speckled Wood 5
Green-Veined White 4
Small White 3
Ringlet 3
Small Skipper 2
Comma 1
Red Admiral 1

Shaded Broad-bar 3
Silver Y 3
Clouded Border 1
Clouded Border
Caught my eye as it looks to have a white poodle painted on its wing!
Clay 1 - this was sat quite happily in the open, but as soon as the sun came out briefly it ran for cover.

Dragonflies - very few, and no Common Darter seen!
Black-Tailed Skimmer just 1 female
Emperor 2
Brown Hawker 1
There were two medium sized Hawkers flying high along the golf course boundary. Size and behaviour suggested Migrant Hawker, as did the only half decent shot I managed.
One of two Hawkers, likely Migrant Hawker

Finally, with help from the scheme organiser and Pete's meticulous examination of my pictures we have identified the yellow ringed Mediterranean gull seen on Tuesday. Ringed as a nestling in 2019 in Germany it has since been recorded at breeding grounds in the Czech Republic. More information to follow.