Pressing work issues kept the birding to a 5-minute high tide sweep of the outfalls & Red Nab & Ocean Edge foreshore
Little Egret - One OE saltmarsh creek
Med Gull - 2 juvs on outfalls, ad & 2CY on Red Nab
Black-tailed Godwit - none seen for the first time for a week or so
Grey Heron - juv Red Nab
Old Lady was a welcome visitor and Dark Spectacle was another rather uncommon addition to the year list

Note that this wind might produce a Black Tern or two later on today. Ad Curlew Sandpiper Glasson still, Marsh Harrier and Hobby past Cockerham Sands Carvan Park & Med Gull Jeremy Lane. Common Scoter Barnacre reservoir (no general access)