Sunday, 26 March 2023

Four Cetti's singing

The wind had shifted to the NE and was noticeably colder. Dry with sunny spells.

Just my stuff so far (MD)

Nature Park
Despite the cool wind it felt like spring with many species singing:
Robin, Dunnock, Wren, Chaffinch, Bullfinch, Greenfinch, Goldfinch, Great Tit, Blue Tit, Long-Tailed Tit, Song Thrush, Blackbird and Wood Pigeon.
Great Spotted Woodpecker drumming
The only warblers seen or heard were Chiffchaff, at least 3 singing. This was one directly above my head (thankfully my camera was mercifully quiet!).

Red Nab to saltmarsh 
The tide was completely out so not many sea birds, just 2 Shelduck 
Almost no passerines either, just a Rock Pipit on Red Nab and the only bird on the saltmarsh was a single Wren!

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Mute Swan two pair plus 5 immature 
Coot 8 (6, still arguing on the main pond)
The only ducks seen were drakes - 3 Mallard
Little Grebe 1 trilling

Cetti's warbler 4 singing (1 each end of the "no swimming" pond and the central and western marshes.
The only other warblers seen or heard were several Chiffchaff.

Stonechat 2 - a male and a female but not together
Male Stonechat 
This bird was in the same area as the first Stonechat record this spring on the 14/2. There were two that day and one the following day. Then no more till 11/3, we now have a total of at least 76 birds this spring. Compare that to last year's spring tally of 5, which was poor. 16 in 2021 and 6 in 2020, and you can see why this year's passage is described as exceptional!

Not quite just my stuff, Kevin Eaves had a Raven fly over his garden. Being chased by Carrion Crows