Wednesday, 13 December 2023

A nice variety of waders

A mild and sunny day with a light north wind

North shore (HS)
Howard checked the roosting Knot for any colour marked birds and managed to read eight out of the 3,500 that ended up on the Near Naze at high water.
There was also this yellow flagged Bar-Tailed Godwit
Ringed as a 1st calendar year male 26/08/23 at Revtangen (Norway, Rogaland, Kelp)
This is the first record since it was ringed 109 days and 735km from point of ringing

South shore (JP, MD)
Janet checked the waders on Red Nab
A nice variety, including: Ringed Plover, Dunlin, Turnstone, Redshank and Oystercatcher 
There was a very flighty flock of c1,000 Knot, likely some that ended up on the Near Naze later.
A few of the Knot

Knot coming in to land on Red Nab. 
One of these has a green ring, but much too distant to make out any detail 

I checked the saltmarsh (MD)
Grey Plover 1
Grey Plover

Curlew 2
Turnstone 3 - these three seem to permanently feed on the shingle on the west bank
Redshank 90
Lapwing 21
No Jack Snipe this tide, but 28 Common Snipe brought the total of wader species to 11.
As yesterday the tide coming in with hardly any waves left the Snipe reluctant to move on.

Common Snipe

Note the swathe its bill has cut through the water as it took off
Not sure if these two were being amorous or fighting! The bird below them to the left looks smaller and more boldly marked, but it is just another Common.

Pale-bellied Brent goose 16 - flew towards Potts Corner from the NW. Possibly had been feeding on Red Nab. The Dunnock you can hear in this clip was perched just above my head. I don't think it appreciated my presence!
Shelduck 5
Wigeon 114
Linnet 24
Reed Bunting 1