Wednesday, 24 July 2019

Some bits of interest

Middleton Nature Reserve - late morning
This hybrid duck on "no swimming" pond, will certainly have some interesting DNA.

Red-Veined Darter - 1 male over main pond (in flight picture for a change)

South shore early evening.
Mediterranean gull - minimum 11 adult 1 juvenile.
Wheatear - 1 female type. Ocean Edge foreshore
Sandwich tern - 4 blogging briefly out from Red Nab. At least 2 were juvenile.
Rock pipit - 1 near lighthouse.

Finally, this Grey seal (male I think (MD)), was fast asleep about 30m out from sea wall, and had been for a while. It was completely dry. It eventually opened one eye, looked at me, then went back to sleep. It was that sort of evening!