Thursday, 2 July 2009

Another excellent (and prolonged!) dragonfly day

Heysham Obs
The regulars responsible for most of the public domain records are busy at the moment. According to anglers etc., quite a few birders and 'insecters' have been around this last fortnight, but not a sign of any records. Please could you leave sightings in the letterbox on the nature reserve car park fence, notably Red-veined Darter updates and especially ovipositing incidents. Also any Black Guillemot sightings. Thanks very much.

Middleton IE
Red-veined Darter: A very brief visit coincided with some high cloud & just 4 males seen briefly plus a pair in tandem (but not seen to oviposit).
Later Pete C. made a visit in 26C at 1900hrs and there were 10 Red-veined Darter including an ovipositing pair on the model boat pond. By far the latest hour these have ever been seen active - they must have known the weather forecast!
Black-tailed Skimmer
: at least 12 on the model boat pond
Broad-bodied Chaser: Male in the central marsh
4-spotted Chaser: 60+
Emperor: 10
No Common Darter seen!

Heysham NR
Gatekeeper - at least one
Red Admiral - 2
Silver Y - influx with 50 + seen

Moth trap
A few interesting records including C. phragmitella, Diamond-back (2)