Saturday 9 March 2019

Little Gull at last and record Brent numbers

An adult Little Gull wheeled out of the bay at a vast rate of knots at about 1130, part of a big clear out of birds as the wind went fractionally north of West

Pale bellied Brent Goose - 21 including the colour ringed birds

Kittiwake - probably about 175 out with the early and mid am birds seen from the SJ


12 pale-bellied Brent, initially on north side, out from childrens play area, arrived at Red Nab at 10:20. These included the two ringed birds. These were joined by three others, assumed to be the regular three at 10:30. Expect arrival tomorrow around 10:50.

Rock pipit 1 salt marsh
Raven 1 Red Nab
Greylag goose 2 - west of recycling centre road

Hopefully more later