Singing male Common Whitethroat - Heysham NR - thanks Simon.
A peculiar day with obvious arrival of some species yet the mist nets in the scrub below the Obs Tower remained resolutely empty
Middleton IE
SEVEN singing male Grasshopper Warbler in the central and western marsh area & immediate surrounds. Please observe from the raised concrete road bisecting the two wetland areas. Also 10+ singing Sedge Warbler [definite arrival], 2 Common Sandpiper, Whimbrel, singing Garden Warbler (new for the year) and several Whitethroat & Lesser Whitethroat. Thanks Malcolm & Jeff.
Seawatching/vis from the north harbour wall
Marsh harrier female 1022 hrs sighted to the south took 10 mins. to get level with the NHW low over the sea about half a mile out in the Bay continuing in Leighton Moss direction.
Arctic Skua 3 (1+2) light morphs in/across; the singleton landed on sea
Arctic Tern 6 'in' (where are they?)
Gannet 3
Manx Shearwater 7
Sandwich Tern 13
Whimbrel 3
Red-throated Diver summer plumage out/across
Common scoter 1 'in' 4 'out' + 1 across
Also: Great crested Grebe 1 'in', Shelduck 8 'in' 3 'out', Red-breasted Merganser pair 'out', Eider male 'out'
House Martin 7
Swallow c25
Inshore/Wooden jetty
Shag 3 juv
Purple Sandpiper with the Turnstone roost. All the recent reports considered to involve this same 1st S bird - giving two definite records from Heysham during the spring passage.
See Middleton. Wheatear: At least 16 in the recording area. Garden Warbler singing below the Obs Tower
Garganey still at Aldcliffe but exact location not specified, along with a staggering 20 Lesser Whitethroat & single Grasshopper Warbler. Spoonbill at Leighton Moss - mobile - last seen on 'flood'. After its towering departure to the south-west yesterday, predictably no sign of yesterdays Ring-billed Gull.