Wednesday, 11 September 2013

Look out for colour-ringed Grey Wagtail

Heysham Obs
A decent passage of Grey Wagtail this week with over 40 colour-ringed.  Please check the sidebar which will be updated in a minute (!) and remember to check both legs, especially the sequence on the right leg. 

Just watched a flock of five released and heading off together to the south-east.  I don't think enough importance is attached to release methodology of vis mig birds in the literature.  Grey Wagtails released singly from a sitting position at the ringing base on the north side of the office building often went and sat in the nearest tree for up to 30 minutes whilst those taken round the corner and pointed in a south-easterly direction, they should be (and were) heading, gain height and carry on their migration with minimum of disruption.  Now we always release in the second manner

Vis mig to 1000
Spoilt by the cloud cover spilling in early and very little moving in contrast to the Caton Moor vis mig site whch was on the cloud edge for much of the early morning.  However this kept the sun off the nets!
Grey Wagtail - 10-11 south-east (6 ringed)
Chaffinch - 40 migrants south
Swallow - 24 SW
House Martin - 15 SW
Meadow Pipit - Just 9 SE
Common Buzzard - one south
Cormorant - high flocks of 11+4 south
Grey Heron - 1 south

At least 3 migrant Song Thrush, 2 Chiffchaff, one Whitethroat, two Blackcap and at least 2 Robin new in (e.g. all unringed when caught)

More later when the coast is checked after doing some work!