Sunday, 16 June 2024

What could be better than one Osprey........

A dry day with sunshine in the afternoon. A west wind

South shore
Pete checked from Ocean Edge this morning:
Mediterranean gull 1 distant adult on tideline
Osprey 2 fishing on seaward end of No.1 outfall. One moved off to the north and the other settled on the post at the end of No.2 outfall.

I was along the sea wall (Malcolm). The Osprey on the post was eating a fish, when it wasn't being harassed by the gulls.

It was quite distant, but possibly the hint of a blue ring
The Osprey was feeding all the while I walked along the sea wall, but on return from checking the inner harbour it had moved on, direction unknown.

Little Egret 6
Little Egret

Curlew 40, in small groups, flew to the north side
No sign of any Rock Pipits today

Middleton Nature Reserve (Janet)
Contrary to expectations, the/a female Mute Swan was on the main pond with 3 cygnets.
Grasshopper warbler 1
Not a very diagnostic shot

But the song is unmistakable (the bird  is not visible in this clip)

First Meadow Brown of the year