This Little Gull was ringed and successfully released this morning

Rubbish digijam of the somewhat mobile Yellow-legged Gull
Heysham Obs
An adult Yellow-legged Gull was briefly at rest on Half Moon Bay before flying along the north harbour wall and over the wooden jetty. The adult Little Gull was ringed and successfully released this morning off the end of the north wall (see yesterdays posting).
Heysham 2 outfall
Little Gull 8 adult + 1 2nd winter, just 2 left late pm
Harbour entrance
Little Gull 1 adult morning
NHW/Near Naze
Yellow-legged Gull adult at c1200hrs - on the beach then flew south along the seawall
Little Gull 2 2nd + 1 1st winter - 'treading water'; just one 2nd winter left at lunchtime, none late afternoon.
Mediterranean Gull 2nd winter
Twite 15-16 at Sand Plant Gate
Linnet 2-3 at above location
Middleton IE
Male and female Pochard, 1 Little Grebe, 28 Teal, 12 Coot, 8 Mallard, 3 Moorhen, 4 Tufted Duck, 4 Goldeneye
4 Bewick's Swan Aldcliffe Marsh 'flood'. No evidence of any cold weather movement past High Tatham. Ross's Goose just outside the area in north Fylde with Pinkfeet (roosting within off Lane Ends??). Purple Sandpiper off the Stone jetty at Morecambe. Pale-bellied Brent Goose off Sunny Slopes