Monday, 29 April 2019

Just passing through

Bird interest was all at sea today with Terns, Gannets and a skua passing through:
Arctic Tern - 86 heading into the Bay
Little Tern - 1 flew out past Heysham Harbour
Sandwich Tern - 31 blogging. Two mating on one of the buoys.
Gannet -71
Arctic Skua - 1
Great crested Grebe - 10
Red-breasted Merganser - 7

Vis was minimal:
Tree Pipit - 3
Redpoll sp - 3 heard
Swallow - 3
Whimbrel - heard in the morning and 2 seen in the evening.
Wheatear - 6

The Guillemot was still in the harbour.

A trickle of Willow Warblers moved inland in the hour and a half after dawn, with 4 adults returning to their breeding site at Middleton. Whitethroats are making an appearance now. A Grasshopper Warbler reeled in the tank farm and one was ringed at Middleton NR.