Friday 24 September 2021

Plenty of Pinks.

The fresh west breeze continues. The clouds were very low all day with fine rain till mid morning.

First a series of shots from Kevin Singleton's visit to Half Moon Bay yesterday. All these birds are readily visible from the cafe area, particularly when the tide is in. There is some very nice detail on some of these images when opened.

Redshank roosting on the old heliport wall

Curlew from three different angles

All records and images are always very welcome, but particularly so today, as so far all I have is my short lunchtime visit to Middleton Nature Reserve main ponds (MD)
Pink-Footed goose 330 in 7 medium sized skeins between 12:00 and 12:30. Several other, similar sized, skeins seen from home and local travel later in the afternoon.
Gadwall 36 (34 on "no swimming" pond plus 2 on Tim Butler pond)
Mallard 9
Teal 5
Little grebe 1

Thrushes sp 3 together south - unfortunately only seen in silhouette.
Swallow 1 south