A little disappointing by recent standards with cloud cover streaming in from the west inhibiting vis, with Fieldfare not reaching this area in any numbers by 1100hrs at least. A young Reed Warbler with a fat score of 3, indicating it was not a new arrival, was, off the top of my head, probably the second latest record for here
Reed Warbler. Thanks Alan.
Vis mig from by the office 0745-1100
Chaffinch - 198 SW
Greenfinch - 69 SW
alba Wagtail - 19 SE
Fieldfare - 16 SW
Song thrush - 8 S
Great-spotted Woodpecker - one which appeared to be heading south
Starling - 220 SW
Linnet - 1 SE
Redwing - 46 SW
Lesser Redpoll - 4 SE
Reed Bunting - 5 S
Woodpigeon - 24 SE
Goldfinch - 28 SE
Siskin - 38 plus a flock heard but not seen SE
Brambling - 4 SW
Bullfinch - 1+1 high to the SE
Skylark - 3 SE
Carrion Crow - 2 SE
Mistle Thrush - 6 high to the SW
Collared Dove - 2S
Grey Wagtail - 1S
Rook - adult south
Coal Tit - 1S
No Meadow Pipit!
Grounded migrants
Reed Warbler, Chiffchaff (collybita calls), Goldcrest c10, Blackbird c40, Song Thrush c15, Reed Bunting 1. Quite a few trilling Dunnock but no obvious visible migration, however a lightweight unringed bird was trapped. A single lightweight unringed Robin was also trapped. About 20 birds were ringed, mainly Greenfinch but including 4 Goldcrest
Late news indicating that FOUR Meds were still coming to bread on the north wall on 17th Oct (2 2nd W, 2 Ad)
Some good 'vis' over Bolton-le -Sands (see LDBWS site). Surprisingly little moving over the Trough of Bowland or Barbondale based on two other LDBWS site postings, but at least 12 grounded Brambling near Tower Lodge (Trough). Great White Egret at Leighton Moss. Lingering waders included 2 Curlew Sandpiper on the Lune Estuary.