Sunday, 15 January 2017

Ratty webs

A rat was a pain today as it disturbed the heliport roost necessitating a recount and backtrack to sites already counted!  The webs was otherwise fairly routine with just a single ad med gull on fishers roof of note - presumably the Czech bird.

North Harbour Wall - low tide a.m.
No sign of Twite reported on  Friday.
On feeding area:
Linnet - 10, 3 of them wearing rings
Robin - 1
Dunnock - 1
Rabbit - 2


Anyone able to add any more to the report of 43 finches including about 30 Twite at the north wall feeder during the heavy seas and therefore saltmarsh flooding on Friday 13th please?  Thanks.

Yesterday saw the model boat pond living up to its name and the winter duck were dispersed, including the Pochard off-site somewhere and 5 of the Gadwall to the no swimming pond.