Thursday 16 April 2020

Whitethroat arrival draw

 Today's breeze came from the NE, still warm and sunny though.
No terns seen/reported today.

Grasshopper warbler - another, or possibly the same as yesterday's bird, in bush to east of woods near Half Moon Bay cafe 09:00. No sign when it was checked later. None singing on Middleton or Heysham reserves.
Sedge Warbler 1 singing Heysham reserve

Middleton Nature Reserve - morning ref Kevin
Lesser Whitethroat 1 singing
Common Whitethroat 1 singing
Both above are the first reported this year
Canada goose 2
Shelduck 1

Red Nab area - early evening
Knot 4,500
Little Egret 3 in off the sea
House Martins 2 north

The spring weather has been good for butterflies. At the moment, even a short walk locates one or more of the following:
Small Tortoiseshell 
Speckled Wood
Orange Tip

Male and female Orange Tips by Janet - Thanks