Tuesday, 6 October 2020

YBW requires patience!

The rain eased by mid morning with just isolated showers after that. Strengthening WNW winds throughout the day.

Heysham Nature Reserve
Pete and Jean relocated the Yellow-Browed Warbler. Loosely centred near the dipping pond (the small pond with terraced banks just to the right as you enter the reserve). At one point it followed a mixed tit feeding flock across the road. Just to return to the pond area shortly later.
It's been present for three days now, hopefully still there tomorrow.
Goldcrest at least 2 with tit flock
Chiffchaff at least 4
Water Rail 1
Pink-Footed goose 38 and c120 south

As promised, this is Dan's picture of yesterday's YBW, with the bird circled.
You will still need to "open" the picture to make out the bird detail. 
The resolution of pictures on the post is not adequate.