Thursday, 14 September 2017

Grey Phalarope

Grey Phalarope
Bit of a 'piece together' this as it was distant and relying strongly on behaviour with two other key features being wing-bars and (at least a virtually) uniform grey mantle.  The head detail could not be seen.  Located distantly in flight off the seaward end of Heysham 2 outfall whence it promptly landed on the sea, before getting up and making short flights/landing again on four other occasions between the outfall and the red buoy.   1145-1155.   The IOM ferry then went past the area and there were no further flights.  I could only just make it out on one occasion on the sea which was quite rough so it may be on the sea and feeding still.  Ringing by the office hampered by sun on the nets.  A few pics from today (first a juv moulting to 1st W Med) and also the Gannet trying to land on the wooden jetty a couple of days ago:

Thanks to Malcolm (top) and Janet (rest)

Other things seen today
Little Gull - usual adult plus the two 1CY until 0900 only, then back again late afternoon
Kittiwake - at least 9 1CY, including 5 behind freight ferry but only one behind the IOM ferry
Arctic tern - ad at least early morning, 2 ad later
Guillemot - 2, including one in harbour
Med Gull - at least 22 (6 x 1CY, 10+ 2CY)
Pink-footed Goose - 196 SE (5 flocks) plus another flock heard later
Pied Wagtail - at least 4 SE
Meadow Pipit - 55 SE
Swallow - 36 S
House Martin - 1S
Wheatear - 6
Carrion Crow - blogging flock of 12 - on the move?
Grey Wagtail - 3-4 SE (1 ringed)
Whitethroat - one ringed (first for a bit and ONLY warbler seen!)
Reed Bunting - 1 SE
Coal Tit - 2 new birds ringed
Dunnock - one unringed bird
Goldcrest - at least 10 ( 4 ringed)