Tuesday, 20 June 2023

Med numbers increasing and RVD still around.

East breeze till after lunch then switched to NW. Steady rain from 09:00 -10:30. The sun broke through just before lunch and then sunny for the rest of the day.

South shore
I checked from Red Nab to saltmarsh just before high water (MD)
Mediterranean gulls 10 - 3 adult plus 7 first summer - all on Red Nab
One adult and three of the first summer Mediterranean gull
(The bird far right is a first summer Med, although not obvious on this shot)

Another adult and first summer Med. 
The third adult was the metal ringed bird.

Lapwing 1
Goldfinch 2
Linnet 8
Common Whitethroat 1 
Common Whitethroat 

Howard checked out the lighthouse and resolved what the Rock Pipits were catching for their nestlings. (Howard's, and Peter+Rosemary's and Janet's pictures below are all high resolution and should be opened to appreciate the details revealed)
Nice to see those busy little pair of Rock pipits. They were taking food in almost every 5 minutes, looks like an abundance of grasshopper down there.

Rock Pipit with a bill full of grasshoppers 

Just I was going through the gate back to my car this bushy tailed tree rat faced me off.
Male Grey Squirrel 

Middleton Nature Reserve 
These shots from Peter and Rosemary Silvester were actually taken yesterday, but all seen again today.
Common Bluetail Damselfly

Male Black-Tailed Skimmer

Male Red-Veined Darter

Janet checked late morning today, before it had really warmed up, the Red-Veined Darter was not showing at that time, but there was still lots to see, including this "smooth tailed tree rat"
Brown Rat climbing to where the bird feeders are hung

The male Mute has now decided to take umbrage at the Coot!

Two Silver Y moths

Lattice Heath moth

Ringlets continue to be the dominant butterfly and it looks like 
We'll have plenty next year too.

We're getting good at spotting Bumblebee Hoverflies

I checked late afternoon (MD). By that time the male Red-Veined Darter was showing well on the east side of the spit in the north side if the main Pond.
Red-Veined Darter, same behaviour pattern as yesterday, resting a while before
flying out over the pond, then returning to the same resting area.

This Broad-bodied Chaser was ovipositoring

As was this Emperor, but a completely different operation 

Cetti's Warbler 4, also Willow Warbler, Chiffchaff, Blackcap,and Common Whitethroat 
Stock Dove 1 seen twice
Stock Dove

Common Buzzard 1 soaring over the eastern side