Wednesday, 3 September 2014

Marsh Harrier surprise

Heysham Obs
13 Grey Wagtail were colour-ringed this morning courtesy of the lack of sun on the nets.  Please do keep an eye open for these birds - both legs need to be in view to trace to an individual bird but any information will be of value

Two surprises this morning.  One was receipt of a grammatically-challenging leaflet including a piece where the king of the photo-op, local MP David (Canute) Morris, had "Saved (spelt Save's) Sunderland Point" by creating "rock amour".  The other was a juvenile Marsh Harrier flushed from an area of reed at Middleton Nature reserve - it headed off south with a larid entourage. 

Middleton first light to mid morning
Marsh Harrier - see above
Green Woodpecker - one on a brief noisy tour of the periphery
Kingfisher - 1CY male ringed
Grey Wagtail - c16 SE (7 ringed)
Meadow Pipit - c65 SE -  fewer than yesterday
Tree Pipit - one SE
alba Wagtail - c15 SE
Swallow - impossible to categorise but probably no more than 100 passed through
House Martin - 14 SE
Very few grounded warblers with only a single Sedge Warbler, three Willow Warbler, 2 Whitethroat, 2 Blackcap and a Chiffchaff newly ringed.  Four migrant Robin were ringed

Heysham NR first light to mid morning
Grey Wagtail - 16 SE (6 ringed) - these were not the same birds as at Middleton other than perhaps two - the Middleton birds seemed to come ashore south of the power stations
Robin - 8 migrants ringed
Green Woodpecker - probably the same as at Middleton (heard only)
Only a few warblers, as at Middleton comprising one Sedge, one Lesser Whitethroat, 5 Blackcap and single Willow Warbler

A Rush Veneer was in the Heysham toilet trap and a Pinion-streaked Snout in an actinic at Middleton