A Short-tailed Field Vole was running about on top of the north harbour wall mound in bright sunlight this morning looking rather lost. Obviously the prestige of being a new dot on a mammal atlas (is there one?) was worth the effort and the serious predation risk (SD36V, the rest of this 10km square is under the sea/intertidal)
Adult Med Gull north harbour wall. Thanks Janet
North harbour wall SD36V blitz
Twite - 14
Goldfinch - just 2
Rock Pipit - 1-2 (seen on both harbour and seawall side)
Meadow Pipit - 2
Med Gull - 2CY conspicuous, two adults
Red-throated Diver - 2 sat on water together offshore in "heat" haze
Song Thrush - 1
Robin - 2 (one mound, one sandworks)
No Wren or Dunnock seen/heard
Heysham Nature reserve
Meadow Pipit - flock of three around - probably wintering birds from non-op land
Frst known record of ST Field Vole for SD36V