Friday, 22 February 2019

Chiffchaff, and others, return

Very warm today, particularly out of the wind.

Middleton Nature Reserve
Two bird species seen here for the first time this year
Chiffchaff - one feeding in trees at Tim Butler pond
Little grebe - one feeding and trilling on "no swimming" pond
Coot - one on Tim Butler pond, first since the, almost, over wintering bird abandonded the "no swimming" pond mid January
Gadwall 12
Tufted 4
Pochard 2
Shoveler 2
Water Rail 1
Common snipe 21

Cetti's warbler singing central marsh
Meadow pipit 4 blogging
A "likely Water pipit" was accidently flushed, hopefully it will be relocated and confirmed tomorrow.


Pale-bellied Brent - what appears to be the original three (2 adult with a juvenile) on Red Nab late morning. Not seen on north side earlier.

Rock pipit on Ocean Edge salt marsh

No sign of any Stonechat today

Not much close in to skeer channels at low water, early am.
Great Crested Grebe 6
Red Breasted Merganser 2
Eider c150

Mid pm
Pink-footed Goose 80 south (NB north Cumbria and Spurn today hundreds were heading north)

Heysham NR
Raven 1 North

Tank Farm
Green Woodpecker

Three species seen in recording area today
Peacock - on dogwalk
Small tortoiseshell- Heysham Reserve office and in village
Male Brimstone - Royds Avenue