Monday 20 August 2012

Reptilian mega

Heysham Obs
A non-bird day as the murk and mist of the morning failed to deliver - it was the wrong kind for Willow Warblers and the like.  It was also a little too wet and the Heysham CES was seriously affected.  However, the afternoon really produced the goods in the form of the first ever Slow Worm for the Heysham area in at least recent times, found on the boardwalk to the pagoda on Heysham reserve by Cameron Bell and photographed by Alex Simpson and Kirsten Bradley

Female Slow Worm Heysham NR taken by Kirsten Bradley

Ocean Edge/Red Nab incoming tide
Med Gull - 3 juvs
Grey Plover - 260 
Bar-tailed Godwit - 185

A nice emergence of Peacock in recent days with up to 5 on the office buddleia.  At least one Comma around the reserve and a small influx of Large White

Another Bordered Beauty, Herald, Epinotia tenerana and Agriphila latistria highlighted a rather small catch