Monday, 15 April 2013

Velvet Scoter highlight

Heysham Obs
Coverage was a little 'bitty' today with no mist-netting to assist document what was obviously a reasonable. if not large, arrival of migrants, notably Willow Warbler and Wheatear.

Coastal areas/Middleton NR
Wheatear - at least 27
Willow warbler - at least 17 singing males
Sand Martin - c20 Middleton am
House Martin - one Middleton am
Swallow - c25/hr north in morning
Meadow Pipit - a trickle with c20 per hour north in morning
alba Wagtail - c15 per hour north in morning
at least 300 large gulls around the outfalls area on the incoming tide

Sea - hampered by early morning poor visibility
Velvet Scoter - male flew 'in' at 0745hrs
Red-throated Diver - just 3 seen
Sandwich Tern/Arctic Tern/Kittiwake - jsut singletons of each!
Auk spp - 2, but distant

Still at least 52 early morning, but no sign at lunchtime

Comma and Small Tortoiseshell seen as well today.  Thanks Janet