Sunday, 6 May 2012

A bit below par for a south-easterly

Heysham Obs
South-east wind this morning but still very cold first thing with temperatures just above freezing

Seawatching highlights (0600 - 0900 hrs):
Arctic Skua - 2 dark morphs flew into the Bay along the Kent Channel at 0723 hrs
Arctic Tern - 216 flew into the Bay (largest group = 67)
Kittiwake - 28 in single flock circling offshore and gaining height
Whooper Swan - 4 flew north across the Bay at 0640 hrs

Also offshore: c.50 Eider, 8 Red-breasted Merganser, 3 Common Scoter, 14 Sandwich Tern, 1 Great Crested Grebe, 10 Swallow,

Whimbrel - 2 below North Harbour Wall, flock of 9 off Ocean Edge
Dunlin - Just 70 off Ocean Edge
Bar-tailed Godwit - 21
No Grey Plover or Ringed Plover today

NR office area:
Slow with just a meagre trickle of birds:
Tree Pipit - 2 (1 ringed)
Thanks John

Greylag Goose - two prospecting the Obs Tower pond for a short time
Lesser Redpoll - 4 NE (2 ringed)
Sedge Warbler - two singing by office first thing
Grasshopper Warbler - male singing tank farm
Goldfinch - 35 NE including flock of 19
Swallow - only about 25 NE
Linnet - 5 NE
Willow Warbler - just 3 ringed and two bounced out of net very early on
A large accipiter was reported this afternoon behaving like it was an escapee and thought to be female Goshawk-size.  Last seen landing in a tree along Moneyclose Lane, calling.  Any more info gratefully received.  Thanks.

Grey Seal offshore

Still no moths!