Friday, 26 July 2024

Mainly insects in the sun

A dry sunny day with a light west wind.

South shore (Malcolm)
Just a quick check of Red Nab as the rising tide approached.
Mediterranean gull 5 - 4 adult and a 2nd calendar year.
2nd calendar year Mediterranean gull

Fortunately, one of the adults was a white ringed bird, ringed in Belgium in 2018, it showed here last July, hopefully it will have been seen elsewhere since. Update awaited.

This juvenile Little Egret has pronounced yellow legs!

Peregrine Falcon 2 were being disruptive again.

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Janet checked this morning

Common Darter

Broad-Bodied Chaser

Green-Veined White

Small Skipper and Six-spot Burnet

Yellow Shell

I checked mid afternoon, by that time it was quite warm (Malcolm)
Wildfowl unchanged 
Blackcap 2 singing
Reed Warbler 1 half-hearted singing
Chiffchaff 3 calling, one summoning its young.

Emperor 3
Female Emperor ovipositoring 

Brown Hawker 1
Female Brown Hawker ovipositoring 

Broad-Bodied Chaser 1 male
Blue-Tailed Skimmer 1 male
Male Black-Tailed Skimmer
Common Dater several

The above were on and around the main ponds on the north side. I went to the south side to check the grass meadow where the Copper-Tipped Longhorn moths were located (see map and video 24/07/24). When Janet checked in the morning she couldn't see any, but the afternoon heat had brought them out and I located 4.

Copper-tip Longhorn - Nemophora cupriacella 

There is one on each of these three ragwort, the fourth was only a few metres away.

This is the location of the ragwort. Line up the wooden cross beams
 (middle distance) with the pylon behind 

Also in this area
Ringlet 3
Green-veined White 1
Meadow Brown 3
Strangely no sign of yesterday's abundant Skippers
Jay 2