Sunday 6 October 2024

Three Yellow-Brows HNR! Plus more?

The forecast rain just managed to hold off, with just a few very light showers, particularly in the afternoon. A light SE wind

Heysham Nature Reserve
Shaun Coyle, later joined by Pete Crooks and Alan Physick did a thorough check this morning resulting in a very impressive.....
Yellow-Browed Warbler 3 - one along the tank farm fence line and two at the dipping pond.
Chiffchaff 6
Goldcrest 2
Feeding flock of Long-Tailed Tits.

Heysham Head (Shaun)
Chiffchaff 5
Blackcap 1

Middleton Nature Reserve 
Shaun checked this afternoon while there were some light showers
Swallow 2
Chiffchaff 3
So 14 Chiffchaff for the day and with the 3 Cetti's (below) 4 species of warblers totalling 21 birds - not bad for October!

I just did a quick check this morning (Malcolm).
Mute Swan 3 - the male on the main pond the female and cygnet on the "no swimming" pond.
No Tufted Duck 
Mallard 9
Gadwall 1 male 
Male Gadwall

Teal 1 female flew off
Water Rail 2 squealing

Grey Wagtail 2 together south
Cetti's warbler 3 singing
Chiffchaff 1 singing (possibly one of Shaun's)

A mixed Tit flock, mainly Long-Tailed, but also Great and Blue Tits.

A Brown Rat, choosing to swim rather than scurry around the banking

A walk from Nature Park to saltmarsh saw/heard nothing of note in the Nature Park, and little else along the foreshore.
Wigeon 10 
Shelduck 53
Wheatear 1
Rock Pipit 1

Footnote: a report by an as yet unknown source on Rare Bird Alert - 3 Yellow-Browed warbler on Middleton Nature Reserve late afternoon.