A light SW wind was a little cooler than of late, but still mild. Overcast all day.
Heysham Nature Reserve
Ringing report from Alan:
Two nets set this morning in the feeder ride at Heysham for just three hours. The wind direction (SW) was not ideal for any passage birds but we hoped that some 'left-overs' from yesterday's movement might still be around. 26 birds in total captured:
Robin 5 (almost certainly movement)
Blackbird 1
Goldcrest 6 + 1 retrap (of a bird previously caught here last Autumn and earlier this March)
Long-tailed Tit 4 retraps
Blue Tit 3 retraps
Great Tit 1 retrap
Greenfinch 3 +1 retrap
Goldfinch 1
South shore
Jonathan had a walk along the sea wall.
Pale-bellied Brent goose 23 on Red Nab
Rock Pipits 4 - 5 including one checking out the nest holes near the lighthouse
Peregrine Falcon 1 perched within Power Station complex.
Wheatear 2
I checked from saltmarsh to Red Nab (MD)
Stonechat 2 - male and female together near the slipway
Male and female Stonechat |
Likely immature male Wheatear |
Imperial Rd (MD)
Quite a lot of wildfowl active today
Greylag Goose 2 flew from the direction of Middleton Nature Reserve and landed in the field to the east of the road.
Greylag Geese |
Teal 12
Mallard 1
Water Rail 1 calling
Middleton Nature Reserve (MD)
Just a very brief check of the two main ponds located:
Cetti's warbler 1 singing by "no swimming" pond
Chiffchaff 10 singing in the Alder trees between the ponds and feeding around the "no swimming" pond.
Chiffchaff |
On Friday I posted a clip of a Little Grebe taking advantage of the "dearth of insect eating birds" by feeding on the insects on the water surface. Today the grebes were diving for their lunch. There were Chiffchaff all around the "no swimming" pond, picking off the midges before they landed on the water.
You can see the insects flying around in these clips.
Janet took this nice shot of Roe Deer
Female and male Roe Deer |