Thursday, 8 March 2018

A sad day

Allan Mackenzie, a stalwart of Heysham ringing, indeed held it all together for the most part, when he lived here in the 1980s is seriously ill in Furness General Hospital.  If you knew Allan, please get in touch soon if you want to visit

Velvet Scoter, Iceland Gull and Chough in the usual places, but the latter was also doing a lot of flying back and forth, including along the north harbour wall, calling a lot this morning - getting restless

Little Grebe - one Tim Butler pond
Mute Swan - 4 pairs
Gadwall - 18
Coot - now two
Teal - 5
No Pochard
Tufted D - 3
Skylark - 3 N

Buff-tailed Bumble Bee Middleton