Heysham Obs
This morning dawned flat calm, not exactly what was forecasted, and all the ringers and vis miggers were caught out! Vis Mig belatedly carried out and it was excellent including further evidence of tit movement. The other theme was a number of birders searching for Chough and a few 'spin-offs', the most surprising being THREE Guillemot in the harbour - just like the old days!
Vis by the office 0930-1100 (south-west unless stated)
Green Woodpecker - juv headed south - rare here
Meadow Pipit - 454 south
Skylark - 7 south-east
Swallow - 15 (all low) south - prob most following coast
Goldfinch - 17
Siskin - 22
Reed Bunting - 4
Chaffinch - 53
Jay - 1+2
House Martin - 58 (unlike the Swallows these were high)
Great Tit - 11 south
Blue Tit - 36 south
Coal Tit - 19 south
Greenfinch - 11
Grey Wagtail - 8 south-east
Woodpigeon - 3
Pink-footed Goose - 27+45+5 south
alba Wagtail - 14
Dunnock - 2+1 high to the south
Merlin - prob female high to the south
see insects
Two flocks of Long-tailed Tits went through and at least the 6 or so pairs of legs seen were all unringed.

Quite a bit with 5+ Chiffchaff in the vicinity of the hut and probably double-figures if, as seemed, they were moving through. At least 6 Goldcrest by the hut along with a male Blackcap. Plenty of Wren calling
as is often the case when they are on the move. Coastally there were at least 4 Wheatear around and a Rock Pipit on the north wall
Seen up until c0915 on the seawall, then flew on to the non-operational land and was not subsequently reported
Outfalls/Red Nab
At least two Sandwich Tern
Three Guillemot
At least 4 Med Gull (3 2nd W & Ad)
No sign of any Shag
Two Red Admiral south along the NHW c1100hrs. Migrant Hawker by the office as early as 0945hrs
Great White Egret Allen/EM Pools, Little Egret at Blea Tarn Reservoir, single-figure scattering of Curlew Sandpiper at coastal sites. Surprisingly little vis reported, other than Meadow Pipit over Carnforth Slag Tips, but there were two Rock Pipit at the Stone jetty and 5+ Chiffchaff in the 'dome bushes' there.