Wednesday, 19 February 2025

Barn Owl showing well again. Plus Meds around

A mainly overcast day with rain either side of lunch. The east wind continues.

Heysham skear - low water 09:20 (Malcolm)
No brent geese seen and only 24 Eider
Red-breasted Merganser 5
Peregrine Falcon attacked twice clearing the skear of 700 Knot.
Just 150 Knot remained in small groups

Oystercatcher 1,500 other waders as recent.

South shore (Malcolm)
A check of the waterline on the rising tide saw few waders.
Oystercatcher 120 along the waterline
Dunlin 300 in one flock at the southern edge of the recording area
Knot 15 flew south
Black-Tailed Godwit 3 flew high to SE
Black-Tailed Godwit

Curlew 13 further up the shore
Redshank 41 near the saltmarsh 
Shelduck 52 
Teal 2 flew from the saltmarsh 
Wigeon 160 at Red Nab
It had just stopped raining and many of the Wigeon were feeding
on the wet gutweed near the sea wall

But even here it is still very close cropped (although well fertilised)
No Brent geese arrived

Reed Bunting 2 around the saltmarsh
Reed Bunting

Imperial Rd (Jean)
Large numbers of Common and Black-Headed gulls were feeding in the recently "slurried" field to the east of the road. 
Mediterranean gulls 2 adults were with them.

Middleton Nature Reserve (Janet)
A check this evening included

Barn Owl

Male Sparrowhawk 

This shot is also from Janet on her window at home this afternoon.
Alison Hayward identified it as likely a Yellow/Golden Dung Fly (Scathophaga stercoraria)
Possibly attracted to the area by the not too distant slurry spreading?