Tuesday, 28 January 2025

A bit more going on

Early showers then a mainly dry day with some sunny spells. A north wind shifted to the west in the afternoon.

Red Nab (Malcolm)
Just a quick look at high water.
Pale-bellied Brent goose 18
Shelduck 2
Wigeon 150
Waders included: Oystercatcher, Curlew, Redshank and Turnstone.
One each, Brent goose, Shelduck and Oystercatcher, plus two Wigeon

Wigeon and Oystercatcher 

Cormorant and Oystercatcher 

Heysham skear (Malcolm)
Pale-bellied Brent goose 11 (almost certainly some of this morning's birds)
Brent geese flying north along the western edge of the skear
in the fading evening light

Eider 125
Red-breasted Merganser 1 male
Great Crested Grebe 3
Great Crested Grebes

Oystercatcher 2,000
The Oystercatcher with the leucitic head was around today.
It's probably always around, but I don't always see it.

Curlew 25
Bar-Tailed Godwit 5

Bar-Tailed Godwit

Redshank 200
Dunlin 35
Turnstone 25
Ringed Plover 8
Knot 1,250 - there were a few small feeding groups inshore and more around the skear edges. I estimated 350 total then flocks of 400 and 500 appeared and settled along the western edge of the skear.
A fresh west wind like this evening's muddies the shallow margins, allowing small shrimps to feed close in, and in turn many of the Knot were feeding on the shrimps.

Although the shrimps are still small, they are getting larger. This Knot has one.

The bulk of the Knot were along the western edge and the light was fading quickly, a few coded birds were seen, but probably no new ones for this winter.