Sunday, 27 January 2013

Anywhere but above the knee on the right leg!

Heysham Obs
The 3CY Med Gull was sitting on the heliport seawall facing into the wind - surely an opportunity at last to read the ring?   However, the seawall is relatively low, the right leg was the furthest away from the observer and the above tarsus area holding the ring was the only external part of the bird which could not be seen,  despite a lot of different scope angles tried from the road

The other more tangible key feature of the morning was a pair of Scaup flying 'out' with the other Heysham year tick involving two Pintail, also heading out

North harbour wall late morning seawatch
Kittiwake - a distant swarm of gulls, partially obscured by a hail shower were picked up at JBP and confirmed as c50 of this species.  Flock of 22 'in', then 'on' c1400hrs
Pink-footed Goose - 55 SE
Scaup - male and female 'out'
Pintail - 2 'out'
Med Gull - 2 ads, later sitting on Fisher's roof, 3CY by the heliport
Twite - c60 early morning
Goldfinch - 15 late afternoon
Linnet - 5 late afternoon

Heysham NR
Redwing - 2