Heysham Obs
Coastal area Ocean Edge to Half Moon Bay & brief seawatch
Rock Pipit - singles half moon bay and north wall area
Little Egret - one north end of half moon bay, 2 red nab
Med Gull - 2 adults north wall, 3CY heliport, 2CY outfalls
Little Gull - maximum day count of 4 ad & 3 2CY outfalls
Kittiwake - 2CY outfalls, 2CY by waterfall, 2 ad following IOM ferry
Twite - c60
Linnet - 8
Song Thrush - 1
Pink-footed Goose - injured bird in harbour (for third day), 51 north
Guillemot - at least 5 offshore, floating in with the tide
Red-throated Diver - one 'out' very distantly, later 2 'out'
Dolphin spp headed purposefully out at 1220hrs (thanks Ian)